The Flower Lady


Avril Quarrie, Nov 2016

32-bar Strathspey for 3 couples in a 3 couple set

1-8 1C and 3C dance a figure of 8 around 2C. To start, 1C cross down, 3C dance up.
9-16 1C and 2C dance a Chain Progression. 1C face out at the end.
17-24 1C cast to the right, dance a 1⁄2 turn and a twirl up and down the dance and cast again to the right to finish in 2nd place own side.
25-28 1C and 3C dance mirror set and link. 1L and 3L dance a regular set and link. 1M and 3M dance a reverse set and link.
29-32 1C turn BH once around opening up to face the bottom, then dance out to side lines and stay facing out, ready to cast into the figure of 8.

This dance is dedicated to Marie-Noëlle Dubey whose beauty of character was reflected in the floral arrangements she made each year for the Geneva Spring Dance.

A crib and dance diagram are available on the MyStrathspey website.