Saint Mungo's City

SAINT MUNGO'S CITY (S32) 4C in a longwise set

Alasdair Brown (2008)

32-bar Strathspey for four couples in longwise set

2 chords - 3rd and 4th couples change sides on the second chord

1-4 1st woman and 2nd man, and 3rd man and 4th woman, set and cast, 1st woman and 3rd man casting down, the others casting up and start dancing in the middle of the set.
5-8 2nd man and 1st woman turn with left hand one and a half times to finish facing their partners. 4th woman and 3rd man dance the same movement finishing facing their partners.
9-16 1st and 2nd couples, and 3rd and 4th couples dance diagonal reels of four across the dance finishing in their original places.
17-20 2nd and 3rd couples set petronella in tandem.
21-24 2nd and 3rd couples set petronella in tandem. 2nd and 3rd couples have now changed places, with 2nd couple on the opposite side.
25-32 1st and 3rd couples, and 2nd and 4th couples dance 2 couple knots with a variation. At the end of bar 2, 1st and 3rd couples are facing down but they are between the middle of the set and the men's side. Likewise, 2nd and 4th couples at the end of bar 2 are facing up but are between the middle of the set and the women's side (see Fig 1). On bars 3 - 4 of the phrase, 3rd couple followed by 1st couple dance straight down the set to 4th and 3rd places respectively, and the 2nd and 4th couples dance straight up the set to 1st and 2nd places respectively (see Fig. 2). At the end bar 4 of the phrase, all drop right hand and turn left hand as would be normally danced to complete the 2 couple knot formation. Finish in the order 2, 4, 1, 3.
Repeat from new positions.