A Dance to Say Thank You

A DANCE TO SAY THANK YOU (M-4x(S32+R32)) 4C set

F Burgy, Dances for David and Avril Quarrie

Medley of 32-bars strathspey and 32-bars reel for four couples in a four-couple longwise set.

Note : the strathspey part is danced with 2nd and 3rd couples and the reel part with 3rd and 4th couples, 1st couple having finished in 2nd place at the end of the Diamond Poussette.

1-2 1st couple dances down nearer hands joined to finish between 3rd couple.
3-4 1st and 3rd ladies giving left hand, 1st and 3rd men giving right hand turn 3 / 4 to bring 1st couple in 2nd place on their own sides. 2nd couple steps up.
5-6 1st couple dances up nearer hands joined to finish between 2nd couple.
7-8 1st and 2nd ladies giving right hand, 1st and 2nd men giving left hand turn 3 / 4 to bring 1st couple in 2nd place on their own sides again.
9-12 2nd , 1st and 3rd couples circle to the left for three bars, and on bar 12, release hands and cross right foot over left to pivot round, pulling their left shoulder back to face anticlockwise.
13-16 2nd , 1st and 3rd couples chase back to place, 1st couple finish facing their first corner.
17-24 1st couple dances interrupted Hello-Goodbye setting with their corners, finishing in 2nd place on their own sides.
17-18 1st couple dances Hello-Goodbye setting with their first corner.
19-20 1st couple turns right hand 3 / 4 to finish facing their second corner.
21-22 1st couple dances Hello-Goodbye setting with their second corner.
23-24 1st couple turns right hand 3 / 4 to finish in 2nd place on their own sides.
25-32 1st and 3rd couples dance a Diamond Poussette, finishing in the order 2134

Reel (danced with 3rd and 4th couples)
1-16 As bars 1-16 above.
17-24 1st couple dances interrupted Hello-Goodbye setting with their corners, staying in after the last right hand turn, 4th couple stepping in on bar 24.
25-32 1st and 4th couple dance a Poussette to finish in the order 2341.

Repeat with a new top couple.

This dance is dedicated to Avril and David Quarrie, two amazing dancers, teachers, and people. It has been written to thank them for their unwavering support to so many young dancers (including myself) whom they’ve encouraged to keep dancing and improving, as well as making them discover a real passion.

This dance may also be used by anyone to say thank you to anyone else because, sometimes, we just don’t say it enough.

Florence Burgy